Regarding one day Training/Workshop on "TDS/TCS provision of Income Tax Act, 1961" of JICA staff
Regarding one day Training/Workshop on "TDS/TCS provision of Income Tax Act, 1961" of JICA staff
Regarding one week refresher course for Ministerial Staff "Junior Office Assistant (IT)"
Regarding one week refresher course for Ministerial Staff "Junior Office Assistant (IT)"
Result of Poster Making and Slogan Writing Competition
Result of Poster Making and Slogan Writing Competition
Publication of Public open Auction
Publication of Public open Auction.
Time Table for 3 Month Induction Course for Promoted Deputy Ranger 3rd batch
Time Table for 3 Month Induction Course for Promoted Deputy Ranger (3rd batch) w.e.f. 19-06-2023 to 18-09-2023
Training session on Biodiversity Governance
Training session on Biodiversity Governance
Kindly requested to grace the occasion on 8th Feb 11 am
Tilak raj sharma
JT Director HP Forest Academy Sundernagar
Cross Country 2023
आज दिनांक 28 जनवरी 2023 को हिमाचल प्रदेश वन अकादमी द्वारा लंबी दौड़ का आयोजन हिमाचल प्रदेश वन विभाग के उप वन राजिक के तीन माह प्रशिक्षण ले रहे हैं प्रतिभागियों के लिए अकादमी के निदेशक व संयुक्त निदेशक के दिशा निर्देशानुसार तथा कोर्स निदेशक श्री देवेंद्र सिंह डोगरा जी की अध्यक्षता में प्रातः 6:00 से 8:00 बजे तक किया गया ।इस आयोजन में अकादमी अकादमी के उपनिदेशक श्री मुकेश शर्मा जी सहायक निदेशक श्री सुनील शर्मा जी पीटी ड्रिल इंस्ट्रक्टर श्री बेसरी शर्मा जी तथा श्री नंदलाल जी व चिंता जी और अकादमी में 18 माह का प्रशिक्षण ले रहे वन राजिक भी उपस्थित रहे इस लंबी दौड़ में सभी प्रतिभागियों ने समय में दौड़ पूरी करी तथा पुरुष वर्ग में किशोर चंद प्रथम ,श्रीकांत द्वितीय, यशवंत सिंह तृतीय व महिला वर्ग में दुर्गी देवी प्रथम, कमला देवी द्वितीय, पुष्पा देवी तृतीय तथा वरिष्ठ पुरुष वर्ग में सुंदर सिंह ने प्रथम स्थान हासिल किया
2-Days athletic meet
आज दिनांक 29 जनवरी 2023 को दो दिवसीय खेलकूद समारोह का सम्मापन इस समारोह के मुख्य अतिथि संस्थान के संयुक्त निदेशक आदरणीय श्री तिलक राज शर्मा जी की कर कमलों द्वारा हुआ। इस समारोह में विभिन्न प्रतिभागियों को विभिन्न स्पर्धा में मेडल व ट्रॉफी से मुख्य अतिथि द्वारा सम्मानित किया गया ।इस समारोह में श्री देवेंद्र सिंह डोगरा उपनिदेशक, श्री मुकेश शर्मा उपनिदेशक, श्री हेमराज शर्मा डीएम ,श्री सुनील शर्मा सहायक निदेशक, बेसरी शर्मा पीटी ड्रिल अनुदेशक, श्री नंद लाल जी ,चिंता जी व संस्थान चल रहे 18 माह प्रशिक्षण वन परिक्षेत्र अधिकारी प्रशिक्षु भी उपस्थित रहे।
2-Days athletic meet
Today, on January 29, 2023, the two-day sports festival was concluded by the chief guest of the ceremony, respected Mr. Tilak Raj Sharma, joint director of the institute. In this ceremony, various participants were honored with medals and trophies in various events by the chief guest. In this ceremony, Mr. Devendra Singh Dogra Deputy Director, Mr. Mukesh Sharma Deputy Director, Mr. Hemraj Sharma DM, Mr. Sunil Sharma Assistant Director, Besri Sharma PT Drill Instructor , Mr. Nand Lal ji, Chinta ji and the institute's ongoing 18 months training Forest range officer trainees were also present.
Time Table December, 2nd week 7th Batch
Time Table December, 2nd week 7th Batch
Time Table 7th Batch RFO
Please Check attachment to view Time table 7th Batch RFO
1W RC ACF September-2022 Time table
One-week Refresher cum Orientation Course for newly promoted HPFS Officers wef 12 - 17 September
One Week Module on Refresher Cum Orientation Course for newly promoted ACFs of HPFD
DateSheet 6th Batch FROs
DateSheet 6th Batch FROs
Digitization Service Book
Digitization of Service Books
Date Sheet
Date Sheet 6th Batch RFO Trainees First Phase Examinations
Office order 8/8/2022
office order
Examination Date Sheet for 7th Batch Range Forest Officers Trainees (2021-23)
Notice for RFO Trainees 6th Batch
All RFO Trainees 6th Batch to update their profile online on HPFA website. Each and every field should be filled and checked carefully. Please check and confirm on WhatsApp on my mobile number.
Joint Director HPFA
Online Data update for Trainees
All RFO Trainees are here directed to submit their information online of HPFA website immediately and get it approved.
Forest XI won Silver Medal in Cricket Final at Nalwar Mela sports competition
Proposed Schedule of different field exercise of 6th RFO (2021-23) Batch) w.e.f 23-02-2022 to 28-0
Proposed Schedule of different field exercise of 6th RFO (2021-23) Batch) w.e.f 23-02-2022 to 28-02-2022
Bus Body Tender Specification & Term Conditions